Pidato Bahasa Inggris untuk Hari Guru, Cocok untuk Tugas Sekolah dan Lomba

- 15 November 2020, 09:29 WIB
Ilustrasi Hari Guru.
Ilustrasi Hari Guru. /Pixabay/Jorgeduardo

PORTAL PROBOLINGGO - Hari Guru di Indonesia diperingati setiap tanggal 25 November.

Biasanya, beberapa tugas dan lomba di sekolah akan berhubungan atau memiliki tema tentang Hari Guru, salah satunya adalah pidato Bahasa Inggris.

Dikutip PORTAL PROBOLINGGO dari berbagai sumber, berikut contoh pidato Bahasa Inggris untuk Hari Guru Nasional.

Baca Juga: 17 Ucapan Selamat Hari Guru dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya, Cocok untuk Kartu Ucapan

Pidato 1

Good morning our teacher, ladies and gentlemen, and also my dear friends. Thank you for the opportunity given to me this morning to be able to deliver this speech.

First of all let’s praise the blessings of God Almighty because of his grace we can all gather together on this day in the good health.

Dear teachers and friends, today I will discuss about one of the heroes that exist in our daily life. They are the teachers.

For me a teacher is a noble job. A teacher is not only tasked to deliver the subject matter, but also must be able to educate the next generation of the nation.

A teacher is not only required to be smart but also to be in the moral. On the other hand the profession of teachers is also referred to as a noble profession.

Baca Juga: Puisi Hari Guru Nasional Empat Bait, Cocok untuk Tugas Anak SD, SMP dan SMA

In this case, it should be realized that a teacher in carrying out his profession demanded the presence of noble and high morals.

Or in other words, the essence of the noble profession is the dedication of humanity. Each teacher should know their roles and tasks in detail if they want to try and produce impressive teaching. A teacher is a great person, full of patience and affection.

I do not know what I should express to reward my teachers who have made me such a better person. The teacher’s struggle is full of simplicity and sacrifice. That struggle actually inspires us as his students. A teacher sets an example as a hero to this nation and country.

My beloved teachers and friends, no one in this world can become successful without a teacher. President, doctor, pilot, manager, even CEO will learn much from a teacher.

Baca Juga: Kata-Kata Ucapan Hari Guru Cocok untuk Update di Sosial Media, Sampaikan Ucapan Terbaik untuk Guru

All the great people in this country, the great leaders of this country are the result of a teacher. Life is a learning process.

We will continue to learn until we die later, therefore the figure of a teacher is an important figure for us all.

My beloved teachers and friends,

Thanks to the devotion of our teacher to us, because of that we can achieve good results. Our teachers never tired of teaching us from the beginning.

Our teachers teach us to read, write, and also count. They also give all the knowledge they have so we can become the great people later.


With the guidance of our teachers we feel like under the supervision and care of our own parents. This is because we and our teacher have made a great bond.

Therefore I as the representative of all students, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the services and sacrifices of our teachers so far.

Thanks for guiding us all. Thank you for educating us all. Thank you for being patient with our naughty behavior. Thank you for not giving up on teaching us.

Thank you for everything. I am proud of my teachers. They are an inspirational figure to me and to all of us. Maybe someday, I and all of you can follow in their footsteps as a servant of the nation.

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Puisi Tentang Guru yang Menyentuh Hati, Cocok untuk Peringatan Hari Guru Nasional

So that’s the end of my speech. If there is any mistake, I do apologize. Thank you for your attention.

Pidato 2

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear principals SMA 01, all the teachers and administrative staff of SMA 01 and all my friends from class X to XII.

On this auspicious occasion, and also for teachers memeperingati day which falls on November 25, I will deliver a speech titled Teacher or Guru in Indonesia.

Teacher, we would know exactly who they are. Pital a role in life. an important role in society. Yes indeed teachers, 4 letters full of meaning, full-service 4-letter, 4 letter lamp nation.

Baca Juga: Sejarah Hari Guru Nasional yang Diperingati setiap tanggal 25 November

Yes indeed a meaningful presence teacher explain the meaning of the world and everything in it that we are his students understand and know what to do when life falls on it. Guru, four letters full of meaning.

Yes it is a teacher with all its limitations provide invaluable services that will not even if we change the world and everything in it to just be able to align with the services they provide to us. Guru, four full letter services.

Yes it is a teacher who becomes a lamp nation, illuminate and guide our students toward her dreams filled with the light of hope to be able to live in line with other nations in the world. Four letters lamp nation.

Baca Juga: Puisi Hari Guru Nasional sebagai Ucapan Terima kasih kepada Guru, Sang Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa

Ladies and Gentlemen, Who are the teachers? Who deserves the 4 letters full of meaning, full-service 4 letters and 4 letter lamp of the nation? Who are they?

They enrichment every day standing in front of us give an explanation of anything in the class. Or whether they are sitting next to us when we receive an explanation in class.

Or those who pay for us to sit and receive an explanation in class.

Who deserves the title of enrichment prestisi as a teacher; educator, friend, or whether our parents? But for me, they are air-three was the one who deserves the title of teacher.

Baca Juga: Download Logo Hari Guru Nasional 2020 Format JPG, Lengkap dengan Maknanya

It is they who represent the learning environment affect our character of the nation forward. Environmental educators with school, friends with her social environment and parents with a family environment.

Thank you teachers, for everything that you gave me, for everything that you demonstrated, for everything that you navigate. Thank you, we dedicate this day to appreciate all of your services. Happy Teacher's Day.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.***

Editor: Hari Setiawan


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