Teks Pidato Hari Pahlawan Dalam Bahasa Inggris, Bagus Untuk Lomba

- 4 November 2020, 12:41 WIB
 ilustrasi ornag berpidato.*
ilustrasi ornag berpidato.* /pixabay/maura24

Baca Juga: Ramai Seruan Boikot , Berikut Daftar 32 Produk Prancis di Indonesia

First of all I would like to give be together here in the good health.

The figure of a hero is those who persistently fight for the rights of the nation and try very hard to empower the nation of Indonesia to become a nation of dignity, prosperity, and sovereign.

Hero is a figure that must be respected. Their existence is very meaningful.

Indonesia is a country which is rich of history.

Baca Juga: 5 Manfaat dari Jeruk Nipis yang Baik Untuk Kesehatan, Nomor 2 Paling Dicari Banyak Orang

If we look back there are so how many heroes that have poured out their energy and mind to help us all feel a freedom.

Without the heroes we may still live with misery.

Independence was obtained becasue of the struggle of the heroes.

Let us all always remember our national heroes. And let us reflect, respect, and gratitude to the heroes by providing something useful for this beloved nation.


Editor: Antis Sholihatul Mardhiyah


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