Pidato Bahasa Inggris untuk Hari Guru, Cocok untuk Tugas Sekolah dan Lomba

- 15 November 2020, 09:29 WIB
Ilustrasi Hari Guru.
Ilustrasi Hari Guru. /Pixabay/Jorgeduardo

They enrichment every day standing in front of us give an explanation of anything in the class. Or whether they are sitting next to us when we receive an explanation in class.

Or those who pay for us to sit and receive an explanation in class.

Who deserves the title of enrichment prestisi as a teacher; educator, friend, or whether our parents? But for me, they are air-three was the one who deserves the title of teacher.

Baca Juga: Download Logo Hari Guru Nasional 2020 Format JPG, Lengkap dengan Maknanya

It is they who represent the learning environment affect our character of the nation forward. Environmental educators with school, friends with her social environment and parents with a family environment.

Thank you teachers, for everything that you gave me, for everything that you demonstrated, for everything that you navigate. Thank you, we dedicate this day to appreciate all of your services. Happy Teacher's Day.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.***


Editor: Hari Setiawan


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